The Crystal
The beauty of the Western Mountains of Maine is unmatched, but maybe their greatest treasures lie deep inside. Tourmaline, the state mineral was first discovered in Maine In 1820 on Mount Mica. This unearthing prompted more mining of this magnificent gem in the region. In October 1972 Plumbago Mountain revealed the largest gem find in North America, with pockets proving to rival any other find in Maine and possibly the world. Representing the yield strictly from Plumbago Mountain, a metric ton of tourmaline was transported and stored in the vault of the Casco National Bank. The tunnels in Plumbago Mountain have since been blasted to close off any access.
Maine continues to produce the absolute finest quality gem tourmaline with its clarity, brilliance, and richness beyond compare. Colors range from the rare Eureka Blue, the dazzling Sparhawk Mint Green Teal, and a spectacle of Apple Greens. As well as the highly coveted Watermelon and the greatest diversity of Pinks unveiled anywhere else. Rare and precious gems continue to be happened upon all through out the state, but it is clear the Western Mountains of Maine may hold the greatest treasures still waiting to be found.
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